NOLA's definitive guide for housing resources
New Orleans has been in a housing crisis long before COVID-19.
Help NOLA Now is your source for housing information, assistance resources, and connections to community organizations working in the housing sector.
Are you interested in learning about affordable first-time homeownership?
Would you like to complete homebuyer education?
Are you struggling with paying utility bills?
TCA is administering a Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program for tenants in need
Finance New Orleans Community Support Fund: To apply call (504) 524-5533 or email: csf@financenola.org.
Are you struggling with making repairs to your home?
Need housing-related
legal services?
Free legal services - Southeast Louisiana Legal Services 1-844-244-7871
Free legal services for people facing immediate eviction in Jefferson or Orleans Parish or experienced housing discrimination. Louisiana Fair Housing Action Center
Do you struggle paying rent?
Affordable Housing Search, including HCVP accepting landlords
Rent & utility assistance for veterans in Louisiana -Volunteers of America: (504) 483-3558
Service and Hospitality Family Assistance Program - Greater New Orleans Foundation
Rental & Utility assistance – Finance New Orleans (FNO): (504) 524-5533 and (504) 354-0904​​
Temporary rental assistance for individuals fleeing from a documented domestic violence situation – New Orleans Family Justice Center (504) 592-4005
Rental assistance - Jefferson Parish Office of Community Development (504) 736-6262